
09 June 2024 / Club News

Seniors and Youths Presentation Day

The Senior and Youth teams celebrated the end of season with their presentation day on 8 June.

The day consisted of a BBQ, bouncy castle and fun games. The highlight of the day was a Hāngī, a Maori method of cooking, undertaken by Carwyn Ellis and ably supported by other club members. This involved cooking various meats, fish and an array of vegetables in cages in a covered pit in the ground with heated by stones.

The day began with a BBQ run by Gerallt Evans with plenty of assistance from club members. This was followed by the presentations.  Afterwards there was fun games and challenges led by master of ceremonies, Elgfan Metcalfe.

The highlight of the afternoon was the Hāngī which went down a treat with those present.

A big thank you to all who attended to make this a great day.

The awards:


Player of the Year                               Harri Jones

Players Player                                    Ilan Twnti

Coaces Player                                   Gethin Roberts

Most Promising Player                       Gruff Davies


Player of the Year                                Jac Ellis

Players Player                                    Tomos Williams

Coaches Player                                  Deio Williams and Josh Williams

Most Improved Player                         Ynyr Roberts


Player of the Year                                Sion Pringle

Players Player                                     Ifan Williams

Supporters Player                               Ifan Williams

Coaches Player                                  Carwyn Ellis

Most Improved Player                        Sam Duncalf


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